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Parse tree

aka derivation tree, syntax tree, abstract syntax tree, concrete syntax tree.

Formal languages (branch of computer science and mathematics) studies diefferent problems. Two main problems (tasks) are:

  • recognition - answers if a given string belongs to the language or not (yes or no). Aka membership problem
  • parsing - solves recognition task, but it focuses more on structural analysis (producing a parse tree).

Recogintion vs Parsing

Ruzzo (1979) showed that any recognizer can be transformed to parser with the overhead of O(logn)O(\log n) at most.

Recognition not bothered with stuctural anlysis:

  • allows to work with with Regular Expressions (which typically given without explanation of how to construct parse tree)
  • allows any sound transformation of grammar, like Chomsky Normal Form, Greibach Normal Form, etc.

Parsing more focused on stuctural anlysis:

  • sound transformation of grammar changes the structure, so it is better to avoid them
  • Ambiguity - there can be more than one way to produce parse tree
  • Left recursion - can be problematic for some parsers

Constructing parse tree (formal)

TODO: Most of papers and books give quite hand-wavy explanation of parse tree construction (insert “Draw the rest of owl” meme here). I need to find a formal explanation of the process.

So far I found papers which actually talk about parse trees:


Naive mathematical expression

e := e "+" e | e "-" e | e "*" e | e "/" e | num
num := "1"

For string 1+1*1+1 there are 5 parse trees and only one is correct.

Adding left associativity

e := e "+" num | e "-" num | e "*" num | e "/" num | num
num := "1"

For string 1+1*1+1 there is only 1 parse tree, but incorrect

Adding precedence

e := add_sub
mul_div := mul_div "*" mul_div | mul_div "/" mul_div | num
add_sub := add_sub "+" add_sub | add_sub "-" add_sub | mul_div
num := "1"

For string 1+1*1+1 there are 2 parse trees and only one is correct.

Adding precedence and left associativity

e := add_sub
mul_div := mul | div | num
mul := mul_div "*" num
div := mul_div "/" num
add_sub := add | sub | mul_div
add := add_sub "+" mul_div
sub := add_sub "-" mul_div
num := "1"

For string 1+1*1+1 there is only 1 parse and it’s correct

It is harder to read (understand) grammar, and tree changed it’s shape drastically.

Removing intermediate nodes

Note: <> is the special feature which allows to hide nodes, it is rarely supported. Given here for comparison.

e := add_sub
<add_sub> := add | sub | mul_div
add := add_sub <"+"> mul_div
sub := add_sub <"-"> mul_div
<mul_div> := mul | div | num
mul := mul_div <"*"> num
div := mul_div <"/"> num
num := "1"

Final result

One more example with brackets to show how precedence works.