- Bug:
N -> "a";
can’t detect end of the derivation - Bug: legend for compacted tree doesn’t show info about other (hidden) nodes
- Bug:
A-> "a" "b"; S -> A? A;
,A -> A "a" | ""; S -> A? A;
- add min, max to
and use it to express different quantifiers*
min: 0, max: inf+
min: 1, max: inf?
min: 0, max: 1{n,m}
min: n, max: m{n,}
min: n, max: inf{n}
min: n, max: n
- Mem visualization
- draw mem for selected node?
- draw
? - draw
full? - add ability to collapse graph by click on node
- show mem graph (collapsed by default)
- Collapse
nodes on click - Semi-transparent
- Jump over “borring” steps (1 step, zipper didn’t move)
- Next zipper movement vizualisation
- it is sometimes not obvious why next move will remove zipper, for example, in case when it’s loop e.g. the same node was already derived with the given token
- vizualization
- highlight all edges and nodes of the selected zipper
- Bug: hover on “next step button” doesn’t highlight active zipper after click
- hovering on zipper node - highlight button in
Direction and depth
- use same colors, shapes, labels for
as for node - add “URL state” so that any state of derivative could be shared
- animation is problematic because zipper changes id of node on movement
- alternative vizualization library
- https://js.cytoscape.org/
- https://visjs.github.io/vis-network/examples/
- https://github.com/vasturiano/react-force-graph
- https://sim51.github.io/react-sigma/docs/example/layouts
- https://github.com/antvis/Graphin
- https://www.cylynx.io/blog/a-comparison-of-javascript-graph-network-visualisation-libraries/ etc.
- https://d3-graph-gallery.com/network.html
- LCRSZipper
- hide implementation details (
) - Expression vs Zipper types
- hide implementation details (
- refactor shared variables (
) ign
doesn’t work insidelex
Warning: no value for width of non-ASCII character 207. Falling back to width of space character
- Ignore consequent space without parsing?
- Fix display “Zipper + tree”
- need to change order in which nodes (and edges ?) are printed out. Topological sort?
- refactor list vizualization to use the same viz as tree
[React Archer] Could not find target element! Not drawing the arrow.
- BUG: Zipper for a “cycled tree” in “LCRS tree” mode - sometimes draws double edges
- but this problem is fixed in LCRS tree implementation
- Mention combinatorial species